141 results found for: processor

Main view of the TCB300 Multimedia Player

NovaStar TCB300 Multimedia Player


The TCB300 is an LCD multimedia player from NovaStar, which is used for LCD displays in the fields such as advertising media, digital signage and commercial display. The TCB300 has an integrated access point that allows you to easily upload content via a mobile phone or tablet.

Main view of Radius NX 4×4

Symetrix Radius NX 4×4


Radius NX 4×4 (4 analog inputs, 4 analog outputs) and Radius NX 12×8 (12 analog inputs, 8 analog outputs). Both feature 64×64 redundant Dante and identical DSP resources. The two differ only in analog I/O, logic output, and external control input capacity.

Main view of Symetrix Radius NX 4x4 Dante

Symetrix Radius NX 4×4 Dante


Radius NX 4×4 (4 analog inputs, 4 analog outputs) and Radius NX 12×8 (12 analog inputs, 8 analog outputs). Both feature 64×64 redundant Dante and identical DSP resources. The two differ only in analog I/O, logic output, and external control input capacity.