141 results found for: processor

Main view of 12x8 Audio Processor

Symetrix Radius NX 12×8 Audio Processor


Radius NX 4×4 (4 analog inputs, 4 analog outputs) and Radius NX 12×8 (12 analog inputs, 8 analog outputs). Both feature optional factory installed 64×64 redundant Dante and identical DSP resources.

Main view of Audio Processor with Dante

Symetrix Radius NX 12×8 Audio Processor with Dante


Radius NX is equipped with 128 (64—64) redundant Dante channels. Dante protocol enables ultra-reliable multi-channel audio networking over IP. Together, Symetrix and Audinate’s Dante provide the fastest possible way to implement, control, and maintain a system of networked DSPs.