141 results found for: processor

Main view of the MBOX600 LED Display Controller

NovaStar MBOX600 LED Display Controller


The NovaStar MBOX600 LED Control Box The usage of an independent transmitting device with a sizable loading capacity (2560 x 960) is possible when a PC is not utilised to operate the LED display.

Main view of the TB30 Multimedia Player

NovaStar TB30 Multimedia Player


The Novastar TB30 is the third generation of multimedia player created by NovaStar for full-color LED displays. This multimedia player integrates playback and sending capabilities, allowing users to publish content and control LED displays with a computer, mobile phone, or tablet.

Main view of the TB50 Multimedia Player

NovaStar TB50 Multimedia Player


The TB50 is NovaStar’s third iteration of multimedia players designed for full-color LED screens. With its integrated playback and transmitting features, users may publish material and manage LED displays using a computer, a smartphone, or a tablet.